Daisypath Friendship tickers
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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Ape yg 'finally'?
erm.. finally.. sy ade mood nk b'blog'... huhu..
mane nk mule ye... so many things had hapen.. dun knw where to start.. byk moment yg xsempt di rekod dlm blog ni.. nway... yg PALING3X penting.. status had been changed!! syukur alhamdllh... sy sah menjadi isteri kpd En.Murshidan B. Abu Bakar dgn sekali lafaz... (he's alwys proud of that)..
so.. the journey begins... hopefully i can be the best wife for him n he can be a good imam for me and for our lil' one in future...
amin... :)